If you are a final-year student, chances are you are currently performing your internship. Would you like to start working as a permanent employee at your internship company after your internship ends? There are a number of things you can do to make an impression during your internship period and thus increase your chances of getting a job offer.

Staffing specialist Walters People shares 6 tips to turn your internship into your first job.  

1. Leave a good impression  

The best way to get noticed in a positive way is to work hard and give your all to the tasks assigned to you. That way, you show that you take your role within the organisation seriously and that you value the quality of your work. Make sure your manager is kept informed of your progress by scheduling regular meetings. Also show initiative in projects and ask for more work as soon as you finish a task

2. Ask questions  

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you are given responsibility for something you are not sure about, feel free to ask a colleague or your manager for help. It is better to check a few things first and deliver good work, than to start a task where you don't really know what exactly is expected.  

4. Set yourself some goals  

At the beginning of your internship, you will undoubtedly have set some goals with your internship supervisor. But an internship is an excellent opportunity to set some personal goals for yourself as well. During your internship, indicate which projects you would like to work on and what you would like to learn more about. In addition, are there any skills you would like to hone? Be open and honest about this with your internship supervisor throughout the internship period.   

5. Ask for feedback  

Setting goals for yourself is of course not enough. You also need to check whether these goals are achieved. It is therefore important to ask your internship supervisor for feedback once in a while. Are you on the right track or are there things that need extra attention? Listen carefully to the feedback you receive and act on it. Colleagues and supervisors will appreciate it when you listen to their advice, thus improving the quality of your work.

6. Be positive  

Approach every project you are assigned with a positive attitude. You may not like every task you are given, but your positive attitude will be noticed by your supervisor. It shows that you are a 'team player' and don't mind doing some of the less enjoyable tasks to help achieve bigger team and company goals.  

What if you don't get an offer for your internship?  

It can of course happen that you are not offered a permanent job after your internship period. There can be various reasons for this. Perhaps there is simply no need for an extra worker at that time. Don't get an offer? Then do not give up. If you still hope to get a job at the same company, it is important to stay connected.Connect with the people you worked with via LinkedIn so you can stay in touch once your internship is over. In this way they can keep you up to date with the situation in the company. 

Even when you are looking for another job, your former colleagues can still be useful. They are a great source of recommendations and references. Your internship was also the ideal opportunity to get a taste of what you like and don't like. Take this into account when looking for your future job. Interview several organisations and discuss all the possibilities. 


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